Monday, September 24, 2012

Introduction To The Divine Economy Theory!

In 2005 I began to unfold the divine economy theory. It all began with a simple macroeconomic model that appeared to me in a dream.

After due diligence I published my first book as a print-on-demand book through iUniverse. The title of this introductory book is classic, as is the book cover!

Even though I rewrote this book - adding a chapter on an innovative use of production possibilities frontiers - the book can still serve very well as an introductory book about the divine economy theory. Soon it will also be available as a Kindle book.
Divine Economy And Its Real World Economic Principles is available on a whole host of book sales sites so just Google the title and select the one you like.
Follow me on Twitter @DivineEconomy

For more information go to my newly renovated website.

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