Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Daily Dose Comment On Senate's Failing Restaurants That Was Lost.

This would have been comment #14 or so.

These bungling but protected socialists live in their own little world isolated from the oppressed class upon whom this political class parasitizes.

The great beauty of its own self destruction is that it will have to 'privatize' to achieve any efficiency but then it is forced to open itself up to more direct contact with the disenchanted. Will these parasites be safe from the resentment of the parasitized? Will the potential of direct encounters between the oppressor and the oppressed send the socialist/interventionist/politicians into a panic like the mad scurry of cockroaches when the light comes on?

Socialism fails because of what it is and because it is loathsome. Socialism self destructs and also it is destroyed by those who know what it is.

I wonder about what was the parallel event that happened when the socialism of the Soviet Union was on the brink of implosion!

For more information go to http://www.divineeconomyconsulting.com/ .

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